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EXCLUSIVE: Percy Miller Directs New Movie “Until Death Do Us Part” | AllHipHop.com

English: This is Master P, The rapper.
 Master P  Photo: Wikipedia)

No Limit Forever CEO and Founder Percy “Master P” Miller is at it again, and hes showing no signs of slowing down.

In a recent interview with Miller, the legendary New Orleans mogul talked about his upcoming movie Until Death Do Us Part.

“In my experience, the most important thing is believing and being passionate about the movie you are directing. Making the actors feel comfortable onset is key, if you want to catch great chemistry on the film,” Master P explained.

In the movie, characters Uncle Willy and Khan Joon are caught up in an opposites attract comedy after Uncle Willy gets a Persian mail order bride named Khan Joon.

When its revealed that there’s no annulment on this marriage, the two different cultures collide and there is a competition between families and their values.

Out of love, the couple takes risks for their families that could threaten their own freedom in what turns into a Bonny and Clyde romance.

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